First Aid for Feet
Chiropodists, Medical Equipment Supply, Online Shopping
Daventry Street, Southam, Warwickshire, CV47 1PH (Show me directions) Show Map
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Monday to Sunday: Open 24 Hours
Hello from FirstAidForFeet and if you are new to our business then a warm welcome awaits you.
FirstAidForFeet was founded in 1997 by Jonathan Small, Lead Podiatrist at Health First Foot & Gait Clinic in Southam, Warwickshire. As Jonathan was supplying footcare products to his clients to enable them to continue with their footcare at home, he noticed there wasn't anywhere that the public could purchase a comprehensive range of items e.g. paddings, strapping, creams and footcare instruments in one place. Based on sales of the popular Dual Foot File, the full range of retail products that is FirstAidForFeet was developed.
Mr Jonathan Small
Very satisfied with this service
Very satisfied with this service, when I had to contact by telephone because of not receiving a confirmation e-mail, they were very helpful, my mistake inadvertently submitted an extra letter in the e-mail address it was corrected and dealt with so nicely, was told my item would be posted that evening and sure enough received it within 2 days of ordering. Highly recommend this firm.
Excellent service again
Excellent service again. Prompt delivery of quality products. Thank you, well done.
Testimonials are curated by First Aid for Feet and are not independently reviewed or verified.