Andrew Crawford MCSP Chartered Physiotherapist
Woodley Physiotherapy and Sports, 1 Springbank Road, Woodley, Stockport, Cheshire, SK6 1NY (Show me directions) Show Map
0161 494 6078 0161 494 6078
Woodley Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic was opened in 1981 by Andrew Crawford.
Andrew is a Chartered and Health Professions Council registered Physiotherapist who after after qualification gained experience working in the NHS before entering into Private Practice. Andrew has spent more than 29 years treating a wide variety of Neck, Back and Sports Injuries and he has also been a physiotherapist at the Commonwealth Games.
Woodley Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic offers individual private treatment rooms for patient's privacy and convenience and appointment times to suit everyone.
Physiotherapy is the treatment of injury and disease by correcting the body's own natural mechanisms.
A Physiotherapist uses a wide range of skills including manipulation, mobilisation, massage and exercise often aided by the use of ultra sound, heat treatment and interferential therapy. All techniques available are designed to help in the relief of pain and to promote healing. It should also be noted that preventative medicine is very important and a Physiotherapist will spend time teaching the patient how to avoid a recurrence of his/her problem.
The Physiotherapist will examine the nature and site of the problem and collate the relevant facts before making a diagnosis. After full consolation with you, and where appropriate with your Doctor, the physiotherapist will decide on the best form of treatment to be employed.
Anyone can receive treatment from a physiotherapist in private practice.
In the first instance you may consult a Physiotherapist without a Doctors referral unless your medical insurance requires you to visit your GP first, but contact will always be maintained with your GP and/or Specialist.
Physiotherapy can play a vital part in pain relief, healing and rehabilitation in most medical and surgical conditions. The conditions treated are Back & Neck Pain, Sport Injuries, Joint Problems, Fractures, Accidents, Shoulder Injuries and Upper Limb Disorders, Postural Dysfunction.
A well established private physiotherapy and sports injury clinic, offering daytime and evening appointments. Conditions treated include back,neck and joint problems, sports injuries and personal injury claims. Self referral accepted. Recognised by all major medical insurance companies. ... ...
Trade Bodies / Associations
Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Registered with The Health Professions Council Member of PhysioFirst the Organisation of Chartered Physiotherapists in Private Practice
Specialist Services
Private Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic. established in 1981. Treatments available for neck / back pain, sports injuries, personal injury claims. Daytime and Evening appointments available, usually within 24 hours. Free parking on the road outside the clinic. Recognised by all major insurance companies.