Nower Hill High School

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Nower Hill High School

George V Avenue, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 5RP  (Show me directions)

020 886...Landline    Landline   

020 8424 0762    020 8424 0762   


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About Us

Nower Hill is a flourishing, highly successful 11-18 school. We are here to ensure that every student achieves as much as possible during their time with us. We want our students to enjoy their education so that they value learning, look back fondly on their time at school and are as well prepared as possible for the next stage in their life. We are a school that demands and achieves outstanding standards within a stimulating, caring, disciplined and safe environment. We provide a rich, varied and broad curriculum and a very wide ranging programme of extra-curricular activities. Nower Hill is a large school but we have earned a deserved reputation for being a warm and friendly school with excellent working relationships. We do everything possible to ensure that every individual feels a real part of Nower Hill, is very well cared for and looked after.

Business Profile

On 1st September 1974, Nower Hill High School began its existence within a scheme of re-organisation of secondary education in the London Borough of Harrow.

About Us

The school - called then HEADSTONE SCHOOL - started life in 1929 when the red brick building in Pinner Road was built.

From the moment the school opened it started expanding into a series of outbuildings that proliferated on the site. In the late 1950's a new school was planned which opened in the early 1960's. Another new block was added in 1972 and further buildings were taken into use in 1978. Nine-tenths of the school buildings are in new premises and our grassed playing field was considerably extended in 1980.

1993/94 saw the start of a £2.75 million development programme which has given a new 13 classroom block, a Business Studies and Information Technology Suite, a Design and Technology Suite, 5 new Science Laboratories with Preparation Rooms and the magnificent Gristwood Centre housing Music, Dance and Drama Studios and the Sports Hall.


Chris Livsey

(Head Teacher)

Chris Livesey

(Head Teacher)


Photo 5

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