Canons High School

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Canons High School

Shaldon Road, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 6AN  (Show me directions)

020 895...Landline    Landline   

020 8731 1460    020 8731 1460   



canonshighschool   @canons_harrow  


About Us

At Canons, we provide a range of opportunities for our students to learn and develop, both in and out of school. Students’ interests and talents are encouraged on the playing field, in the performing arts, and in the local and wider communities. The school runs breakfast and after school clubs, in addition to lunchtime activities.
Students at the school are encouraged to take part in sports and games where valuable lessons of physical wellbeing and collaboration can be learned. There is a full range of activities in organised clubs, after school and at lunchtime: football, cricket, basketball, tennis, netball, rounders, track and field athletics, gymnastics, badminton, street dance, volleyball, table tennis and Tae Kwon Do. There are a whole range of other clubs and activities that run for those who are not as interested in sports


In the lower school (Years 7 and 8) all students follow the national Curriculum, which includes the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science alongside the foundation curriculum subjects of Art, Drama, Music, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Personal Social Health and Citizenship Education (PSHRE), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Physical Education, Spanish or French and Design & Technology.

Business Profile

At Canons High School and Sixth Form, our philosophy is that everyone matters. Our highly committed staff work hard with every individual student; we all share a love of learning.

About Us

Canons High School is a small, high performing specialist mixed comprehensive school in Harrow. We have been a specialist Technology College since 2002 and were awarded a second vocational specialism in 2007.

Following our latest Ofsted Inspection in May 2007, we were delighted that inspectors graded the school as very good with many outstanding features. Inspectors' comments reflected those made by pupils and parents that Canons ''is a very happy school where pupils' behaviour is excellent''. I am very proud of our dedicated and hard-working staff whose outstanding commitment was recognised by Ofsted: ''Staff aim for excellence in all aspects of school life''.

We pride ourselves on providing a caring, inclusive yet challenging environment for all young people to learn and achieve their potential. Our enthusiasm and commitment to our pupils, together with our drive for continual improvement is what makes Canons High School unique.


Lynn Rowlands

(Head Teacher)

Mr Kevin Bartle

(Head Teacher)


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