Sen Interiors

Carpenters and Joiners, Catering Equipment Manufacture, Construction Contractors, Joinery Manufacture, Shop Fitters, Shop and Office Fitters

 Bespoke Joinery Manufacture, Shopfitting, Counter manufacture, Reception Desks, Domestic Joinery, Commercial Joinery

Sen Interiors

Unit 3 Greaves Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 3AG  (Show me directions)

01772 5...Landline    Landline   

01772 202109    01772 202109    01772 562947    01772 562947   



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SEN Interiors - Shop Fitting and Bar Fitting company in Preston, North West, UK

Internal refurbishment company, working with the shop office & barfitting industries, providing interior manufacturing and construction services, along with this we have a manfacturing workshop to provide manufactured bespoke joinery and cabinets as part of a contract or as a stand alone service.


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