As a Maths and Computing Specialist College we are constantly looking to raise standards of achievement and develop further interest in these areas across the whole ability range. We are also using our expertise here to develop innovative approaches to the teaching and learning across the whole school. We are a still relatively young school; we opened as a new school in 1998. Our school has flourished in that time and proved its overwhelming popularity within the local community. We have already gained a reputation across West London for high academic and pastoral standards.
Now through our international links we are reaching out to schools and communities around the world. We want our students to become global citizens, with the capacity and enthusiasm to make the world a better place for us all.
Key Stage 3
At Key Stage 3 students follow the National Curriculum and study a range of subjects. Our aim is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum and to equip our students with the personal learning and thinking skills they will need in education, life and employment. Students study the core subjects of English, Maths, Science and ICT as well as Modern Languages, Humanities, Arts and Technology. Our unique Enrichment programme allows students to study subjects outside the National Curriculum such as Latin, Film Studies and Photography. Students are taught mostly in mixed attainment groups with setting in some subjects – Maths, Science and Modern Languages. Those students who are working below expected National Curriculum levels receive support with literacy and numeracy through our Intervention programme. High attaining students are part of our PHASE programme (Potentially High Achieving Students at Elthorne).
Key Stage 4
At Key Stage 4 we offer a wide range of courses designed to meet the need of all our students. We aim to continue to equip students with the knowledge skills and qualities needed for education work and their future lives. Students study the core subjects of English, Maths, ICT and Science as well as RE and Citizenship. In addition they choose up to 4 subjects from a range of courses including traditional academic courses and practical vocational courses, some of which are offered through our local colleges. Triple Science is available for students who wish to specialise in the sciences.
Some students choose to limit the number of examination courses and receive support with English and Maths as well as following an ASDAN course in Life skills. All courses are designed with progression into Key Stage 5 in mind, in particular BTECs and the A Level Programme.
Business Profile
The current school was opened in September 1998 with just one year group, Year 7. Over the next few years we grew steadily, one year group at a time. By 2002 we had a full five years in the school.
About Us
It is a Maths and Computing Specialist College in September 2007. Since then we have delivered an enhanced and broadened range of resources within the school and also provided additional ICT equipment.
We have used our status to raise standards across the school, using the Mathematics and ICT faculties as a catalyst to progress. We have established ourselves as a beacon of excellent practice amongst our peers, parents and the wider community.
Personalising our students’ learning
Our students’ enjoy more and learn more through our work in personalising the learning of students in Maths and ICT. We also use our evolving ICT systems to review other areas of the curriculum so we can improve them.
We have set up a Virtual Learning Environment across the school curriculum. This serves to broaden the learning experience of staff and students. Students can access and download learning materials from anywhere; staff can monitor their progress and refine their learning experience.
Mohammed Sabur
(Head Teacher)
Eliot Wong
(Head Teacher)
Mr Elliott Wong
(Head Teacher)