Quainton Hall School

Independent Schools

 colleges, school, nursery schools, sixth form college , boys and girls independent school, co ed sixth form college, co ed sixth form school

Quainton Hall School

91 Hindes Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 1RX  (Show me directions)

020 886...Landline    Landline   

020 8861 8861    020 8861 8861   

  Monday to Sunday: 09:00 to 17:30



quaintonhallschool   @quaintonhall  


About Us

Quainton Hall School, established in Central Harrow at the end of the nineteenth century, is now an IAPS preparatory school for boys between the ages of four and thirteen, for girls between 4 and 11and for Nursery children between 2½ and 4 years. It exists to provide a broad, challenging education, set within a secure, caring and Christian ethos.

Our pupils are valued as individuals and we pride ourselves in offering a small, secure and family orientated educational experience.

Quainton Hall School provides an excellent preparation for the successful transfer of boys at the age of thirteen to senior schools of their parent's. choice, mostly in North London, though sometimes further afield. Our girls are prepared for transfer at 7+ and will also be prepared for transfer at 11+. However, our curriculum is designed to do much more than merely prepare children for the next stage in their continuing education. We teach skills and foster attitudes and values which will be of lasting value throughout their lives. Creativity, communication, teamwork, determination and a sense of the value and dignity of others are just some of the essential attributes we prize at Quainton Hall School.

The life and work of the school is planned to enable each child to shine in those areas and activities they are good at and to develop others. All staff have this objective as their aim. We also encourage the notions that learning is fun and that the acquisition of knowledge brings its own rewards.

All that we do is conducted in an atmosphere which promotes good order, consideration and tolerance. We pay high regard to the development of responsibility, self-discipline, motivation and endeavour.

Independent School in North West London. Founded in 1897, Quainton Hall School is a day school for boys aged 4-13 years, for girls aged 4 to 11 years and nursery children (boys and girls) from 2½ to 4 years. The children are prepared for all major schools while they benefit from our * Academic results that make us and parents proud * Excellent facilities including an indoor swimming pool * An open and friendly school community * Wide range of sports and activities * Bursaries for talent in Art, Drama and Music * Bursaries for children of clergy and schoolteachers. It has always been school policy to facilitate transfer from maintained schools.

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The School exists to provide a broad, challenging education, within a secure and caring environment and within a definite Christian ethos. Our children are valued as individuals. Their learning experiences are stretching and stimulating & we discover and provide for their needs. However, we teach skills and foster attitudes and values which will be of lasting value throughout their lives including creativity, communication, teamwork, determination and a sense of the value and dignity of others.


Edwin Brown

(Head Teacher)

Mr Simon Ford

(Head Teacher)


Photo 15

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