Scotia Chiropractic


Scotia Chiropractic

16 Jenny Moores Road, St Boswells, Roxburghshire, TD6 OAL  (Show me directions)

01835 8...Landline    Landline   



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St Boswells Clinic.

The Doctors of Chiropractic at St Boswells Chiropractic Clinic are primary health care professionals trained in diagnostic triage and specialising in specific adjustive techniques. They are all registered with the General Chiropractic Council.

All members of our team are highly qualified in their particular field and have maintained training and study post qualification.

Our team at Scotia Chiropractic strives to place chiropractic at the centre of health care for the individual patient, for businesses with our corporate schemes, and for the local health service with multidisciplinary team collaboration.

The St Boswells Clinic is proud to have been one of the first clinics in the UK to have been awarded the PPQM (Patient Partnership Quality Mark) from the College of Chiropractors, in acknowledgement of our professional systems and in particular patient care.


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