Metacube Computers & Networks

Computer Support

 computer repair, Business IT System Support, computer accessories, apple products repair, certified apple technicians, computer maintenance services, corporate IT problems, hardware repairs, help with maintaining corporate IT, computer services, data recovery, ict support, it support for small businesses, laptop repair, laptop screen repair, mac repair, Metacube Computers & Networks, Microsoft office work, mobile repairs, network, remote assistance service, technical support

Metacube Computers & Networks

6a Claremont Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 4QU  (Show me directions)

020 839...Landline    Landline   

020 8399 6671    020 8399 6671   

  Monday to Friday: 09:30 to 18:30 , Saturday: 10:30 to 17:30 , Sunday: Closed


Company Website    Website    Company Website   

metacubesurbiton   @metacubelimited   +MetacubeCoUk  

  Cash, Mastercard, Visa, Paypal, Amex


Why Choose Metacube?

Here at Metacube, we offer On-Site, Remote and Support Centre services for all aspects of computer IT support for Business and Domestic customers both PC and Apple Mac.

We pride ourselves on offering everyone the quickest call out time we possibly can.

Whoever you are and whatever you want, our technicians are here to help you. Whether you are in need of some repairs or upgrades to your personal PC / MAC or a growing business in need of Fast IT Support Contracts; we have the On-Site ICT Service that's right for you! If you are unsure of what you require or can't find what you're looking for please just give us a call. For more information visit our 'Contact us' page.

Currently we have helped more than 3900 different customers and clients throughout Surbiton and surrounding areas and we're always looking to help more people!


Abraham Karkinsky

(Managing Director)

David Walsh

(Managing Director)


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