Fresh Wheels Refrigeration Hire Ltd

Refrigeration Equipment

 refrigeration, refrigeration hire, refrigerated trailers, refrigerated trailers hire, fridge hire, trailer hire, freezer hire, Mobile Refrigeration, fridge rental, freezer rental

Fresh Wheels Refrigeration Hire Ltd

3 Broad Street, Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 1PG  (Show me directions)

01780 7...Landline    Landline    07833 6...Mobile    Mobile   




  Cash, Cheque


At Fresh Wheels we understand the challenges associated with delivering high quality events. Let us take the strain and ensure that you can store, prepare and serve food and drink at just the right temperature delighting your customers and guests. Our modern, reliable, temperature controlled refrigeration and freezer trailers take the stress out of your event freeing you up to concentrate on those wow factors that keep customers coming back and win you new business.


Mrs Amy Roberts

(Managing Director)

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